Saint Bonaventure Feast Day

Saint Bonaventure was born in Bagnoregio and was name Bonaventure which means"Good Fortune. He joined the Franciscan order at the age of 22. St. Bonaventure became the minister general of the order and helped to transport the relics of Saint Anthony of Padua. Pope Gregory X named him the Cardinal and Bishop of Albano. Saint Bonaventure was known to be a very wise man. He studied theology along Saint Thomas Aquinas. You can read the words that Pope Benedict XVI spoke about Saint Bonaventure HERE, titled "Love sees further than reason". He refers to the great saint as a eminent theologian. Saint Bonaventure was canonized a saint in 1482 by Pope Sixtus IV and in 1588 he was declared a Doctor of the Universal Church with title "Doctor Seraphicus". We celebrate his life on July 15th.
We pray to St. Bonaventure to intercede for all our students and all who are discerning their vocation.