Vocation News

Our Lady of the Angels Province Vocation Director, Fr. Russell Governale, OFM Conv.presented a “Vocation Talk” at our pastoral ministry of Our Lady of Mercy Church (Winston-Salem, NC), on January 23, 2019. He was joined by Sr. Maria (Peaches) Dela Paz, OSF, of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia. They spoke to the grade school student, as well as to grades 6-8, the Edge Program, Grades 7-8, and the Youth Ministry Program grades 9-11
. Friar Russell professed his Simple Vows in 1979, his Solemn Vows in 1984 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1988. Since then he has served in several pastoral and formation ministries, as well as a pilgrimage leader for the Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs. Since 2014, he has served as the Our Lady of the Angels Province Vocation Director.
Sister Peaches is a second-year novice. Before entering the sisters, she worked as an academic advisor at a community college in Tacoma, WA. After graduating from St. Peter’s College in Jersey City, NJ, Sister spent two years teaching high school on the Pacific islands of Micronesia through the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. This experience was a stepping stone in her discernment journey. She is spending 6 weeks Our Lady of Mercy Church, where she will be planning a reflection series for the Outreach committee and Vocations awareness events, while working with the youth group.
For more information on Vocations, please visit: https://www.olaprovince.org/join-us/