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World Day of Consecrated Life in San Antonio

On February 2, the post-novitiate friars in San Antonio gathered with many other religious men and women to celebrate the World Day of Consecrated Life. They gathered at Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church to celebrate with Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller who is also a religious from the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. It was great witness to be with the parishioners of St. Vincent and demonstrate that in the midst of the chaos of the world today, the Lord continues to call many to religious life especially in the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. After mass, everyone was invited to some appetizers and refreshments. Archbishop Garcia- Siller encouraged all to be faithful to their vows and bring Christ to those we meet on a daily basis as vowed religious.

Other religious in attendance included but not limited to: The Sisters of Incarnate Word, Congregation of Divine Province, Salesian Sisters, Teresian Sisters to name a few.

San Damiano Friary is blessed to be a community of eighteen friars. Students alone come from all parts of the world. This year we have twelve friars representing countries of: Vietnam, Bahamas, South Korea, Mexico, El Salvador, Haiti and the US. Considering they all come from different parts they still manage to share meals together and recreate and feel the call of God to follow Jesus as Franciscan Friars.

We encourage any young man who might want to consider a vocation the Franciscans to reach out to us. We are always looking to share our way of life with others so they can come to know where we minister as priests and brothers in the different areas of the US.

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As Franciscan Friars Conventuals we are called to give witness to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through living in community by following the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.

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