Meet Our Student- Brother Calin Vidaurri

Meet this week’s student of the week, Brother Calin Vidaurri. He is a student friar from Our Lady of Consolation Province. Brother Calin was born on November 27th in Austin, Texas and lived there most of his life. His birthday is very special to him considering that every few years Thanksgiving falls on his birthday. He is in his first year of simple vows and lives in San Antonio studying Philosophy. Brother Calin likes learning Spanish and appreciates all kind of cars, especially the fast ones. When he encounters some sort of trial on the journey he turns to Hebrews 11 and 12. These chapters remind him that when one follows Christ to be prepared for trials, however don’t become despaired because there are those in heaven who are cheering us on to the finish line, which is the beatific vision, seeing God face to face and knowing Him as he is. As the new semester begins, Brother Calin wants to the take new opportunities and experiences by tutoring refugee children through catholic charities. He enjoys the centrality of community within the Franciscan life, especially at daily Mass.
To all those discerning Friar Calin shares:
Do not be afraid to keep asking God, “What are Your desires for the life you have given me Lord”- something along those lines. I promise you will not be disappointed!