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Congratulations to Friar Jason DeMartini on His Profession of Simple Vows

Our Lady of the Angels Province friars joyfully celebrated the Profession of Simple Vows of Friar Jason DeMartini. The Mass took place in the Chapel of our Shrine of St. Anthony, in Ellicott City, MD. On hand were many pilgrims to the Shrine, staff of the ministries of the province, and a very special guest; Friar Jason’s grandfather. Our province was so pleased to be able to include Friar Jason’s Profession during the Jubilarian Celebration for our friars honored for their 25th, 40th, 50th and 60th Profession and Ordination Anniversaries. Friar James (one of the friar Jubiliarians, as well) spoke with pleasure about the great witness of our Friars who have spend years as examples of the life of St. Francis, to all of our province friars in formation, including not only Friar Jason, but of two more on hand; our youngest Postulant – Joseph Krondon and Simply Professed Friar Manny Wenke who were both serving at the Mass.

Friar Jason shared ,"The only way I've made it to profession is by trusting in God. Things didn't go as planed and haven't gone as predicted, but I've taken each difficulty as an opportunity for prayer and for growth. I've learned not to rely so much on myself or other's to "fix" things that are out of my control, but rather to accept the difficulties that have come my way and trust that they will open new ways for me to allow God into my life." He was nervous but excited to begin the next chapter in his life. The end of his Novitiate was an exciting time and he is sadden to leave the great community that he built and spend his year with. His Novitiate year prepared him to continue his undergraduate studies at CUA over the next two years. After that he is open to wherever God calls him. "To be a priest and serve God and Church through sacramental ministry would be a great blessing. To be a brother and serve God and Church by honoring the charism of the Conventual Franciscans would also be a great blessing. Either way I figure it's a blessing, so I will remain open and do what I can."

Friar Jason shares with those discerning, "You could have made a million mistakes in your life; you could have done a million stupid things, but you only need to do one smart thing and that's trust in God. Regardless of where you end up or where you think God is calling you, if you know in your heart that you have given 100% then what is there to regret? My advice is to jump in head first and not look back. Concern yourself first with your primary vocation of being a witness to the Gospel and serving God and your brothers and sisters and you will end up where you need to be."

Please keep Friar Jason in your continued prayers as he begins his studies, joining our other friars in formation at The Catholic University of America, in Washington DC

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