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Friar Finds His Calling at a "Come and See" Retreat

Friar Calin Vidaurri is ready and excited as he prepares for First Profession of Vows. Friar Calin was first introduced to the religious life after his parents’ friend, Friar Reto Dvatz invited his family to lunch and gave them a tour of San Damiano Friary in San Antonio. Friar Calin asked God with a nervous and honest heart what he should do with his life. He knew deep down that God was calling him to a religious way of life but he not interested. He hoped that God could just help him find “the one”, the perfect gal. However, after attending the Friars’ Come and See retreats, God spoke to him and gave a pleasant affirmation. Novitiate for him is a place where he could set up a solid foundation to his future. He expressed that, “There were many opportunities to develop good spiritual values like reading scripture, talking to God throughout the day, making extra time for God with personal prayer. All these great values hopefully continue and become a part of who I am and who called has called me to be.” He learned to be patient during spiritual weakness and remember that he is not alone during trials. Friar Calin is excited to join his family in Texas and learn more about himself and some Spanish.

He encourages those discerning to “Be joyful! Everybody is called to discern all types of vocations like marriage, religious brother/sister, or a priestly vocation but very few have the courage to respond back to God. So be happy that you have responded to God's call to discern. Be open to the possibilities and be honest to God what you hope for and what your dreams are! Whenever your desires are parallel with His you can't lose. And always pray for courage to say "Yes" to whatever He asks of you!”

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